Category Archives: +VoV Articles

Lazarus, Come Out!

Rev. Daren Mehl shares a message about loving people coming out of LGBTQ. Jesus calls them out of the tomb, and we get to participate and obey Jesus by removing the death cloths and washing the person and helping to disciple them in the body of believers. And yet, some will see what Jesus did, and what we are doing, and go to the Pharisees. But don’t mind them.

Daren Mehl is President of Voice of the Voiceless. To support Voice of the Voiceless please visit

What is the definition of “woman?”

Let’s just ponder what this means, spiritually, when the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, puts forth a NOMINEE TO THE SUPREME COURT which is unwilling to define what a woman is. What are the ramifications? What does this mean for us as a country? What does this mean for us, believers, as the church? I break this down.

And for the record:
Woman: An adult human female


My video and comments got picked up on Word Foundations.

Daren Mehl offers the “Dose of Hard Truth” that America desperately needs right now, the dose of truth to which the title of this article refers.

Hear and heed Daren’s words. They constitute the warning that our nation needs to hear in this critical hour!

Justice is BLIND, but necessarily rooted in God’s character. No one, of any race, has a corner on justice. Justice belongs to the Lord.

Only the righteous can judge rightly. Someone who denies our Creator, who cannot define what is plainly evident, is not righteous, but wicked. And she is not able to judge. And so rather than justice being a terror to the wicked, the wicked are placing judges over us that will rule for the unrighteous and be a terror to righteousness!

God doesn’t need to judge us; we are judging ourselves by electing wicked people! God have mercy and may His name be known and His grace be given to the righteous to fight this!

Marxism says justice prevails only when the oppressed take power. This is why it always leads to chaos and injustice: it is inherently unjust. It pits people against one another. It always keeps them in the mindset of feeling victimized for being oppressed, or of feeling guilty for being oppressors. And as long as Satan can keep people fighting, he wins.

HOWEVER, if we are righteous and choose the truth of God as revealed in the Bible, we become righteous and Satan loses. Jesus is the truth. His grace will bring life to those who come to Him, to follow truth and real justice.

Reclaim It Virtual Conference Segment 1

Our mission is to equip the Church to discern the narratives undergirding the LGBTQ culture and how to best help individuals who want to leave that identity behind to grow in an identity in Christ. Video recorded by Voice of the Voiceless with special guests Pastor Daryl Whiten, Full Proof Ministries, Emcee Tamara Scott, Nate Oyloe, Executive Director of Agape First Ministries, April Lockhart, Bonnie Gasper, Child Protection League, Walt Heyer,, Michelle Cretella, MD, Executive Director, American College of Pediatricians, Jon Uhler, LPC,, Dr. Judith Reisman, PH.D, The Reisman Institute, at on February 13, 2021.

Voice of the Voiceless testifies about the harms of MN HF2156

On March 2nd, 2022, Voice of the Voiceless President Daren Mehl and board member Andrew Rodriguez testified at the Minnesota House of Representatives related to the Minnesota House Bill HF2156 introduced by Democrat Representative Athena Hollins (DFL) of St. Paul. The bill is described as “Conversion therapy with children and vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited.”

In giving testimony in a Minnesota legislative hearing, Voice of the Voiceless President Daren Mehl gave testimony about the harms of “conversion therapy” bans, and called out the unconstitutional abridgement of free speech and religious practice. Conversion therapy bans establish a state religion, specifically one that adopts the tenets of the LGBTQ cult religious beliefs. It forces parents to affirm the lie that their children are not the sex they are born as, and that people are born gay and cannot change. The LGBTQ religious jihad against ex-gay Christians by necessity of their religious views, denies their very existence of our exLGBTQ community, the Christians and others who have left the LGBTQ community and no longer are romantically or sexually attracted to the same sex, and have desisted from a transgender identity.

A large portion of the narrative behind ‘conversion therapy bans’ are the demonic lies (1 Timothy 4:1) that people are born gay, and that they cannot change. This of course denies God’s created order of everyone being heterosexual by design and the ability of the human mind to adapt, heal, and change, and the powerful work of redemption and sanctification Jesus does in His disciples. It also attempts to eradicate OUR EXLGBTQ community.

Today we heard many ‘experts’ claim that it is impossible to change sexual orientation or to detransition from being transgender. However, there were many of us who testified of being changed and restored. What sticks out as particularly harmful is how this kind of legislation comes with the explicit denial of the (ex-LGBT) Christian community. Even though we do exist, the LGBTQ lobby and their supports blatantly say we do not exist. It seems by necessity to keep their illogical narrative afloat that they must deny that we exist or their legislation and religious beliefs are made out to be an obvious error and harmful to us and others.

Mehl was particularly concerned about the infringement of parental rights because the language of the legislation requires that parents and therapists affirm the transgender identity of a child, regardless if the parent believes it is not authentic to who the child is. Mehl is a licensed minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared a very tragic story of a parent whose child was ‘transgendered’ behind the parents back at school.


Mehl pointed out the Constitutional crisis we are in at this time. When elected officials knowingly and brazenly break their oath to uphold The Constitution, with the example of his (former) representative Bierman boldly proclaiming his desire to stifle free speech and religious speech, specifically the testimony of redemption and sanctification by faith in Jesus Christ. Representative Bierman doubles down on his Constitutional oath breaking. Here is the exchange.


The horrendous piece of legislation HF2156 that was passed through committee today on party lines (Democrats Yay, Republicans Nay) is harmful to the Christian community we are called to minister to when licensed therapy is necessary. When working with individuals in pastoral care situations, it sometimes becomes clear someone is suffering from past traumatic sexual abuse or other significant events in their life that requires licensed talk therapy practitioners, and so we would refer for additional care.


It is often times the right thing to refer for the mental health and spiritual growth of the individual. However, in good conscience, we cannot refer to a licensed therapist who would knowingly work against the best interest of the Christian disciple by affirming them in a false identity other than what God planned for them.

Because every person holds a religious worldview bias, licensed therapists included, it is necessary to know that a referral therapist would be willing to allow a Christian disciple their self directed goals of diminishing sinful behavior or seeking to align their behaviors to their beliefs.

Board member Andrew Rodriguez testifies that the research used by the LGBTQ community are weak retrospectives and there is much research that is not being presented or acknowledged.

This legislation would prevent any referral to licensed therapy because every therapist would have to deny the Christian clients goal of seeking their authentic identity as created by God. It would also discriminate against Christian therapists by forcing them into a LGBTQ religious belief system which denies our Creator. It would be precluding them from working in a direction of their clients choosing, deny parents’ rights to direct their children in medical and spiritual care, and prohibit access to therapy based on sexual orientation or gender identity.


On a final note, this bill is particularly dangerous to the rights of Agape First Ministries (and churches in Minnesota) to host our conferences and sell our discipleship materials in Minnesota. The language in the bill infringes on our Constitutional rights by prohibiting what they call promotion, sales, services of ‘conversion therapy’, which they’ve made clear includes our ministry conferences, books, and pastoral care sessions.


Voice of the Voiceless encourages everyone who loves their neighbor and desires to love God to write to their Minnesota representatives, senators, and even the Governor of Minnesota, and let them know your concerns about the harm the bill will have it is passed into law.

Bill Information: (It exists as two bills, different numbers in House and Senate)

HF2156 on Minnesota House of Representatives website

SF1871 in Minnesota Senate Website

The full hearing can be viewed here:

The minutes from the Thirteenth Meeting is here:

Note: Only Democrats voted for this bill. Only Republicans voted against it.

The full audio can be downloaded here:

All of the information provided as testimony for the hearing is provided here:

Audio & Video Archive – Minnesota House of Representatives

Daren Mehl Written Testimony:
Daren Mehl Testimony – Minnesota HF2156

Daren Mehl Spoken Testimony:
Daren Mehl Spoken Testimony HF2156

Voice of the Voiceless Public Statement
(This was not provided to the committee due to a procedural technicality resulting in the censorship of many emails sent in for testimony. We provided it here for the record.)

Voice of the Voiceless is a Minnesota non-profit educating the public on the rights of former LGBTQ individuals to speak of their faith in Jesus Christ in the public square, of the healing they received through the testimony and power of Jesus Christ, of being healed to from homosexuality to their natural heterosexual self. Voice of the Voiceless calls on the government of Minnesota to treat us with equal dignity and respect as other citizens of Minnesota, and to uphold our Constitutional right to free speech and practice of our faith in Jesus Christ.

We recognize the harm that HF2156 could do to our community to seek talk therapy through licensed services to align our behaviors with our religious convictions. We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to our inalienable rights, our Constitutional rights, and 1964 Civil Rights, specifically of free speech, practice of religion, and the inalienable right to direct our children as we are convicted to do by our Creator.
We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to parents of children who may be confused by popular culture which regularly promotes rebellion against the Creator in the name of living as LGBTQ, in denial of the purpose of ones life as taught in the Bible. We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to prevent parents from helping guide children in the faith of their family as well as interfering in the parents right in making the best medical choices for their children.

We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to our children and community by the government forced promotion of the LGBTQ religious practice of denial of our Creator, violation of the 1st Commandment to have no other God’s, and rebellion against your parents which is a violation of the 4th Commandment to honor father and mother. We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to prevent our community of former LGBTQ individuals and their ability to evangelize and disciple their friends out of the LGBTQ community. Effectively the state would protect the LGBTQ community from the speech and religious practice of Christians. We recognize the harm of HF2156 whereby the state is forcing Christians to affirm the abomination of sodomy as part of the Creator’s intent for mankind. We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to to force Christians to affirm the false belief that people are born gay and cannot change, resulting in the false “gay celibate” doctrines robbing people of the hope to be healed and restored to heterosexuality and marriage to the complimentary sex. We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to the Christian community at large, The Church, whereby the state effectively is precluding any discipleship of individuals who themselves desire to leave the LGBTQ cult practices of sodomy or transgenderism in the name of ‘fraud’, ‘homophobia’, ‘transphobia’.

We recognize the harm that HF2156 would do to our community by creating a tyranny of LGBTQ cult religious beliefs, in rejection of the Creator, who has blessed this country and prospered our families.

We also reject the false science of the LGBTQ lobby which has supported the false pretenses for HF2156. It is biased, grossly false, and unethically promoted.


Responding to Censorship of ex-LGBT Ministries and Allies

Daren Mehl is joined by Jeremy Schwab, founder of Joel 2:25 Ministries who today, like a dozen other ministries and allies, had their Facebook page removed without warning. The ex-LGBTQ community is the canary in the mine of Christian persecution. The LGBTQ lobby is probably the largest influencer running the narratives of anti-Christian testimony, anti-Christian discipleship, and anti-Christian evangelism.

Daren and Jeremy go through several articles the LGBTQ lobby has put out as targets their community for erasure by big tech. Daren shows videos that this censorship in the name of ‘conversion therapy bans’ has always targeted the Church and Christians. And there is crazy amount of evidence that change is possible, even a leading LESBIAN researcher is trying to end the ‘born gay, can’t change’ narrative.

Links to other videos include: (Long version)

Censorship of X-OUT-LOUD and IFTCC