VoV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that amplifies the voices of exLGBT and helps seekers in reconciling faith, behaviors, and identity. The mission of Voice of the Voiceless is to defend the rights of former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families. We also support the faith-based community and work actively in the United States to defend the constitutional inalienable rights of all Americans to share their views of faith and homosexuality in the public forum. We support similar international efforts and provide assistance, whenever possible, to individuals and organizations abroad who align with our mission and goals.
- Daren on Dr. J Show
- LGBT Bully Pulpit – Court Case – JONAH
- Bible News Radio – Interview by Stacy Harp
- Nicole Serrano Comes Out as Lesbian- An Ex-Gay Christian and Non-Gay Christian Break Down The Story
- Our Voices Interview – Tyler Jornov
- Daren Mehl shares at CPR
- No, Talk Therapy does not lead to Suicide
- Equality Act Lawsuit
- Lazarus, Come Out!
- Reclaim It Virtual Conference 2021 Part 3
- Reclaim It Virtual Conference Part 2
- What is the definition of “woman?”
- Reclaim It Virtual Conference Segment 1
- Voice of the Voiceless testifies about the harms of MN HF2156
- ‘Yes, Christians believe in hell’: campaigners respond to conversion therapy activist