Daren Mehl
President, Chairman of the Board
Board of Directors

Benjamin Spratling
Founder of exgayqa.com
Creator of recentlystraight.com
Inventor of singaccord.com
Derek Paul
Founder Identify Ministries
Executive Director Transformational Ministries Alliance
Andrew Rodriguez
Behavioral health therapist, LPC
Advisory Board
Ms. Susan Takata
Chair, Our Voices Committee
John Ozanich, CCDP, CCNP, MCP
Advisory Board Member
History of Voice of the Voiceless
It’s time to stand up, speak out, and unite! For too long former homosexuals, individuals who experience unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA), and their families have been marginalized and misrepresented.
We have suffered enough abuse in the media who sing praises to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, and condemn former homosexuals and those who experience unwanted SSA.
Sadly, key activists in the LGBT community have been responsible for defamation, lies, and bigotry towards us. No matter how loving and respectful we are, our unwanted SSA and stories of sexual orientation change appear as a constant threat to them.
Educational and mental health organizations are one-sided clapping symphonies; they are strictly gay affirming and against the rights of those who seek change and the professionals who assist these men and women. They have surrendered to political correctness and ceased to be true arbiters of sound science. Objectivity has been lost, as activists have hijacked most institutions.
Enough is enough! No longer will we sit idly by. To that end, we are pleased to announce a new project to promote true tolerance, real diversity, and equality for all!
We Use Our Voice!
We continue to coordinate with international coalitions of former homosexuals, persons who experience unwanted SSA, and their families to fight against defamation and advance a positive image of the ex-gay community, their families, and the therapists and ministries who support them.