“Kobabe acknowledged that several of the book’s graphic images may not be appropriate for elementary school children. However, the author said the book’s frank accounts are “integral” to showing readers an experience growing up outside of cisgender and heterosexual norms, adding that “we need to reduce the shame” about sex among teenagers.”
Today, 39% of Gen Z identify as LGBTQ. This unfortunate statistic points to a cultural shift in schools away from honoring our Creator, creation (intelligent design), natural law, and respect for our bodies and marriage. Presently schools teach children to reject our Creator, that there are no moral limits for the use of our bodies as long as there is consent and pleasure. The culture in schools is one of pro-LGBTQ and ‘anything goes that pleases you’ hedonism.
In this episode of Our Voices, Voice of the Voiceless President Daren Mehl interviews Tyler Jornov who recently spoke in favor of banning a homosexually graphic book, Gender Queer, from his school in an attempt to bring forth the Biblical truth around faithfulness to our Creator and use of our bodies. Tyler brought forth the truth to speak life into the darkness, showing a strong compassion for his classmates, in spite of their attacks against him for doing so.
You can view Tyler’s school board comments here:
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While the school board initially banned Gender Queer because of it’s graphic content at the behest of parents, a pro-LGBTQ student activist put together a petition to the school board to restore the book to the library shelves. It received over 1000 signatures. Unfortunately the pro-LGBTQ student body believe graphic examples of sodomy and fornication are necessary for the ‘education’ of children in schools. The indoctrination into sexular humanism has taken a hold of our schools.
“Kobabe acknowledged that several of the book’s graphic images may not be appropriate for elementary school children. However, the author said the book’s frank accounts are “integral” to showing readers an experience growing up outside of cisgender and heterosexual norms, adding that “we need to reduce the shame” about sex among teenagers.”
The petition quotes the author on how the book can be used to help promote sex among teens and be a resource to help them discover ‘who they are’. Sex among teens is particularly shameful for a community, and even worse a school, to promote. Licentiousness, having no moral or material limits, and lasciviousness, shameful sexual desires, is not a virtue to promote in the school. This continual grooming of children through the promotion of homosexual and transgender identities is likely one of the leading factors contributing to the 39% Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ.
Across the country, school administrators and teachers, librarians are increasingly and without shame teaching a religious belief to children that they ARE GAY (or TRANSGENDER). As there is evidence ontologically we are NOT born this way, and change is possible, it leads us to see that there is an ideological aspect to this culture being pushed on kids, not truth or science which is what schools should be focused on.
The push to end stigma associated with licentiousness and lasciviousness among teens is a moral pox on our community and incredibly harmful to our children. Homosexual and transgender identity and behaviors are harmful to children and should remain stigmatized. The cure is the hope of restoration of their identity and truths about how God created them.
Those who are righteous and know the truth need to stand up and protect the kids from this onslaught of debauchery in the classroom. We absolutely must not reduce the stigma associated with sex acts among teenagers nor allow groomers to normalize it. We need to teach them self-dignity and worth in honoring their bodies. We must teach them that sodomy is an unbecoming act and the homosexual lifestyle leads to more illness, physically and mentally.
The unbecoming and unnatural acts of homosexuality and the related false identity claims are not something to praise and promote in our schools. It is harmful to our children to promote or affirm such behaviors and abuses of one’s own body.
Tyler Jornov tells his story of engaging in the discussion at the school board, bearing the weight of criticism of his peers, and the challenges of standing in righteousness in a very dark moment. He also courageously discusses his own journey of questioning his own sexuality and the door that lead to experimenting with homosexuality and then the Lord’s work to bring him out of it. It was particularly unfortunate that a Christian leader affirmed homosexuality and pointed Tyler to Matthew Vines.

Voice of the Voiceless is a 501c3 non-profit organization amplifying the exLGBTQ voices and defending the testimony of that community in the public sphere. Please consider a donation to help our mission move forward.