Oklahoma House Passes Counseling Protection Act Out of Committee


Stephen Black, Executive Director of Oklahoma’s First Stone Ministries and David Pickup, LMFT from Dallas, TX

In a historic move today,  the Oklahoma House Committee on Children, Youth, and Family Services passed HB 1598, the “Parental and Family Counseling Rights Protection” Act, with a 5-3 vote. The bill protects Oklahoma mental health providers, including faith-based counselors, who offer counseling, psychotherapy, and/or spiritual direction to minors who seek to reduce or eliminate unwanted homosexual feelings and/or gender identity confusion. The entire text of the bill can be viewed here.

Stephen Black, Executive Director of First Stone Ministries in Oklahoma City, OK was instrumental in the passing of this important legislation, as well as David Pickup, LMFT from Dallas, TX. Both Black and Pickup are former homosexuals who have experienced authentic change from their same-sex attractions, and testified today both as ex-gays and counselors who have gone onto to help others with unwanted same-sex attractions experience freedom.

Click here IMG_0528-1 to watch a video clip from Stephen Black, Executive Director of First Stone Ministries.

Click here IMG_0529 to watch a video clip from David Pickup, LMFT from Dallas, TX.



David Pickup e-mailed the following testimony from today’s healing:

The Oklahoma legislative committee passed the bill HB1598 to support therapeutic SOCE, and it is headed to the House of Representatives. If it succeeds there, and it most likely will, then it will go on to the Senate, which although tough, it may just be possible for the bill to pass into law. If so, Oklahoma will have the distinction of being the first state of the US to have a law in support of SOCE. Needless to say, we are very happy for this. One of the main questions that came up was a nail in the coffin to those who opposed this bill. I have no doubt that we succeeded significantly because we discussed the egregious harm any therapy ban bill would perpetrate onto SSA boys and girls whose homosexual feelings arose because of being sexually abused. Most people, when faced with the truth and implications of future therapy ban bills for minors, immediately see that support bills for SOCE therapy are necessary because of the virulent nature of gay activists. As should be obvious to all at this point, these gay activists are stopping at nothing to force all states to ratify their therapy bans for minors. We held the truth, the trump cards, and the committee heard us.

Voice of the Voiceless is the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information, visit: www.VoiceoftheVoiceless.info