Trace McNutt to be Honored at the First Annual Ex-Gay Celebration in Washington, D.C
Voice of the Voiceless (VoV) is excited to announce that former self-described “Satanic Drag Queen” Trace McNutt will receive the First Annual Courage Award for Former Homosexuals as a part of the 2013 Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner and Reception on September 30, 2013. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), a non-profit organization that advocates and supports former homosexuals and their families, is hosting the event in Washington, D.C. as a part of Ex-Gay Awareness Month.
“When gays come out of the closet they are welcomed, but former homosexuals are forced to remain hidden because of defamation by anti-ex-gay extremists and marginalization from American society,” commented Christopher Doyle, Co-Founder and President of Voice of the Voiceless (VoV), who is presenting the award. “It takes a lot of courage for ex-gays such as Trace McNutt to tell their stories, especially considering that doing so brings scorn and punishment, such was seen with Grammy-award winner gospel singer Donnie McClurklin, who last month was scheduled to headline a 50th Anniversary March on Washington celebration, but was uninvited because he is ex-gay.”
Individuals that have left homosexuality overcome more than just unwanted same-sex attractions. Trace McNutt was rejected by his family, bullied relentlessly by his classmates, and then victimized by the gay community, who used him for entertainment and then disregarded him once he became addicted to drugs and infected with HIV. At one point, Trace was so sick and destitute that he became homeless and was forced to live in a dumpster on the streets; the very drag queen community that welcomed him with open arms threw him away like yesterday’s trash once he was unable to perform. You can watch Trace’s story by clicking here.
It wasn’t until Trace came out of homosexuality, became a Christian, and stopped performing as a self-described “Satanic Drag Queen” called “Coma” that his former community paid attention to him. He received defamation, hate mail, and death threats from the so-called tolerant gay community. “Trace’s experience is proof that when ex-gays leave homosexuality, they are attacked and faced with an unbelievable amount of hostility. In today’s anti-ex-gay climate, talking publicly about leaving homosexuality is truly an act of courage. Trace McNutt is a real hero,” commented Doyle.
To watch Trace McNutt’s story of leaving a drug-addicted, drag queen lifestyle and recovery into a loving, supportive, Christian community, click here.
To register for the September 30 Lobby Day on Capitol Hill and/or purchase tickets for the Evening Dinner and Reception, click here.
To learn more about how you can support former homosexuals like Trace McNutt in Washington, D.C. on September 30 and become a sponsor for the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner and Reception, click here.
The Voice of the Voiceless Courage Award for Former Homosexuals is presented annually to an individual who displays bravery and resilience in leaving homosexuality despite insurmountable challenges. For more information on the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Lobby Day on Capitol Hill and Evening Dinner and Reception, visit: To register for the event, purchase tickets, and/or become a sponsor, visit: