Click here to view our Ex-Gay Pride 2013 Video
View President and Co-Founder Christopher Doyle’s interview on the Christian Broadcasting Network by clicking here.
View coverage of Ex-Gay Pride 2013 in World Magazine by clicking here.
Voice of the Voiceless Proudly Announces
The First Annual
Ex-Gay Pride Month
July 2013
Voice of the Voiceless (VoV) is excited to announce the First Annual Ex-Gay Pride Month in July 2013! If you or your organization is interested in partnering to help sponsor our Ex-Gay Pride Awareness Day on Capitol Hill and Evening Dinner/Reception, please contact Co-Founder and Acting Director, Christopher Doyle at [email protected].
When is Ex-Gay Pride? VoV is strategically holding Ex-Gay Pride Month in July, after June’s annual gay pride month, in order to draw attention to the ever-increasing phenomenon of ex-gays or former homosexuals; that is, individuals who formerly had unwanted same-sex attractions and/or lived an LGBT-identified life, but now do not. These individuals may be in heterosexual relationships, pursuing heterosexuality, or living celibate lives as former homosexuals.
WHAT is Ex-Gay Pride? A time to recognize the unique experiences of ex-gays and former homosexuals and celebrate their existence in American culture. VoV is currently organizing events in the month of July to highlight the unique role of ex-gays in American culture and draw attention to increasing discrimination and hostility towards the ex-gay community in society.
WHY Ex-Gay Pride? Because former homosexuals are the last invisible minority in American culture and are increasingly subject to hostility from anti-ex-gay activists and the media at large, who is influenced heavily by the gay-activist lobby that discriminates and marginalizes former homosexuals. VoV estimates that ex-gays number in the tens of thousands (at least), but due to intimation and hostility, the exact numbers are unknown.
WHERE is Ex-Gay Pride? Currently, VoV plans to hold at least one event in Washington, D.C. in July to commemorate the First Annual Ex-Gay Pride Month. Because Washington, D.C. is the only jurisdiction that recognizes ex-gays as a protected class against discrimination in the United States, we believe this is a safe place to gather and celebrate free from any threat of intimidation.
WHO Should Participate in Ex-Gay Pride? If you are a former homosexual, individual with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA), a friend or family member that knows an ex-gay or individual with unwanted SSA, or one of our allies, we welcome your support and presence at any of our events! Please e-mail [email protected] for more details on how you can participate.
HOW Can I Participate in Ex-Gay Pride? VoV is currently looking for individuals and organizations to partner with us and help sponsor an awareness event on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and an evening dinner/reception to celebrate and commemorate ex-gays in the United States. It is important that we let our voices be heard or we’ll continue to face marginalization and discrimination. This event is meant to celebrate and unite together for a common goal: to increase our public visibility, tell our stories proudly, celebrate our unique contributions towards American culture, and unite against the hatred and bigotry against our communities.
For more information on how you can partner and/or sponsor Ex-Gay Awareness Day on Capitol Hill and Evening Dinner/Reception in Washington, D.C., please e-mail [email protected].
If you are interested in speaking at the Evening Dinner/Reception in July 2013, please e-mail us a short biography, your resume, and a head shot photo.