Chapter 6
- Gay Gene
- Hope and Homosexuality – Sutton et al. section on change
- New Scientist
- Genes
- Genetic Arguments
- Twins
- Behavior Genetics and Homosexuality
- Neither Genes nor Choice
- Developmental Milestone
- Sexuality and Gender: part 1
- Factors Associated with Higher Fecundity in Female Maternal Relatives of Homosexual Men
- Fertility in the Mothers of Firstborn Homosexual and Heterosexual Men
- Fecundity of Paternal and Maternal Non-Parental Female Relatives of Homosexual and Heterosexual Men
- New Evidence of Genetic Factors Influencing Sexual Orientation in Men
- Genetic Factors Increase Fecundity in Female Maternal Relatives of Bisexual Men as in Homosexuals
- Evidence for maternally inherited factors favoring male homosexuality
- Maternal inheritance, sexual conflict and the maladapted male
- A test of the maternal stress theory of human male homosexuality
- Familial Aspects of Male Homosexuality
- Sexual orientation, handedness, sex ratio and fetomaternal tolerance rejection
- How Many Gay Men Owe Their Sexual Orientation to Fraternal Birth Order?
- The genetic basis of hair whorl, handedness, and other phenotypes
- Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation and Its Correlates in an Australian Twin Sample
- Measurement Models for Sexual Orientation in a Community Twin Sample
- Sexual Orientation of Female-to-Male Transsexuals
- Common Genetic Factors among Sexual Orientation, Gender Nonconformity, and Number of Sex Partners in Female Twins
- An association between male homosexuality and reproductive success
- On sexual behavior and sex-role reversal
- Potential for homosexual response is prevalent and genetic
- Eye Color, Hair Color, Blood Type, and the Rhesus Factor: Exploring Possible Genetic Links to Sexual Orientation
- Excess of counterclockwise scalp hair-whorl rotation in homosexual men
- The biology of human psychosexual differentiation
- Of Moths and Men
- Sibling Sex Ratio and Sexual Orientation in Men and Women
- Cultures in Psychiatric Nosology
- Psychodynamics, Homosexuality, and the Question of Pathology
- Beliefs About the Etiology of Homosexuality and About the Ramifications of Discovering Its Possible Genetic Origin
- Genes and Human Behavior
- Ethics in Behavioral Genetics Research
- Religion, Genetics, and Sexual Orientation
- Distortion of Clinical Judgment
- Unresolved Issues in Scientic Sexology
- Human Sexual Orientation Has a Heritable Component
- Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation
- Ethics of Genetic Research on Sexual Orientation
- Biological aspects of gender disorders
- Beliefs About the Origins of Homosexuality and Their Implications for Public Policy
- Genome-wide scan demonstrates significant linkage for male sexual orientation
- Can epigenetics explain homosexuality puzzle?
- The Biological Basis of Human Sexual Orientation