Monthly Archives: October 2013

8th Annual Values Voter Summit Stands for Faith, Family and Opportunity for All

FRC Action Conference Focuses on Defending Religious Liberty, Preserving the Family



Sen. Ted Cruz speaking while being heckled by liberal protestors at the 8th Annual Values Voter Summit

Over 2,200 people attended the eighth annual Values Voter Summit held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. over the weekend. On Friday, an enthusiastic crowd cheered as key Republican lawmakers delivered impassioned speeches in the midst of a government shutdown. Senator Marco Rubio, Representative Michelle Bachmann, Senator Rand Paul, and Senator Ted Cruz, who was the winner of the Presidential Straw Poll, were among the social conservatives who took the stage on day one. Former Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University, Dr. Ben Carson, also addressed the Summit. Dr. Carson, whose profile rose last year after making critical remarks about the Affordable Care Act at the National Prayer Breakfast while standing next to President Obama, won the Vice-Presidential Straw Poll.


Sen. Ted Cruz spoke about the need for conservatives to not back down in the face of oppression from the current Obama administration. Cruz, considered by some to be the most disliked politician in America because of his efforts to shut the government down in order to block the new healthcare law from taking effect, was heckled several times by liberal protestors during his speech.


You know, the nice thing, the nice thing is the left will always, always, always tell you who they fear. And they fear you,” exclaimed an emboldened Cruz as the audience cheered enthusiastically while several protesters were escorted out of the crowded ballroom.


In the afternoon, Rep. Michelle Bachmann continued where Sen. Cruz and Dr. Carson left off, highlighting the Affordable Care Act as one example of the larger loss of freedom at the hands of an oversized, out-of-control government:


This fight that we’re in right now is far bigger than even the ‘Obamacare’ fight – far bigger. It’s far bigger than the national bankruptcy that we’re – is impending upon our nation right now that is putting our children’s future at risk. It’s bigger than the debt. It’s bigger than the spending because I submit to you today what is at risk in all of this is whether we will be the police line state or whether we will be a constitutional republic.”



American Family Radio’s Sandy Rios speaking about the dangers of Christians speaking against homosexuality


The conference also featured an all-star group of conservative champions, including radio and TV personality Glenn Beck, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, the Duggar Family, stars of the hit TV show “19 Kids and Counting” on The Learning Channel (TLC), as well as American Family Radio and Fox News Contributor Sandy Rios.


Rios, whose remarks focused largely on the threat of gay activism to our culture, decried the Southern Poverty Law Center’s effort to bully lawmakers not to speak the Summit:


“It is a dangerous time to be a Christian conservative . . . there are threats being made, and we all know a little more than a year ago, Floyd Corkins went into the Family Research Council with the idea that he was going to commit mass murder (due to their listing of FRC a hate group) . . . their main business is attacking and suing conservative organizations.”


Rios went onto discuss the dangers of speaking out against risky homosexual behavior in the public forum and the fact that most Americans don’t hear about ex-gays because of their marginalization from the liberal media:


“We are fighting against a barrage of propaganda, and there is punishment if you dare speak out and say ‘wait a minute, I’m not sure this is right’ . . . the CDC just published evidence to say that 94-95 of new HIV cases among young men are linked to gay sex. The other thing we don’t know is that there is an ex-gay movement. Did you know that September was ex-gay awareness month? They are everywhere and the reason you don’t hear of them is because they are maligned and threatened . . . there are tons of ex-gays with fabulous stories but the American people don’t know about that!”

In a speech titled: “The Red Line of Liberty,” Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver warned of the government taking away our religious freedom. Referencing the Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, Staver remarked:


Mat Staver Values Voter Summit

Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver ignited the crowd with his speech titled “The Red Line of Liberty” at the 8th Annual Values Voter Summit

“I suggest to you that the decision by the Supreme Court will find itself in the same dust bin of history as Dred Scott and Buck vs. Bell . . . Martin Luther King Jr. was asked in the 1960’s while he was in jail (for civil disobedience): ‘why do you obey some laws and disobey others?’ He said, ‘it’s obvious because some      laws are just and some laws are unjust . . . when there is a clear conflict between God’s law and the magistrate, then you have no choice, you have a duty, and he said ‘that is why I’m sitting here in this Birmingham jail, I cannot comply.’ There are situations that we are facing today that I believe crosses that red line, it is Obamacare forcing religious and moral employers to fund abortion. That is a line we cannot cross. When they force a photographer in New Mexico to choose between their profession as a wedding photographer or choosing to violate that belief by photographing same-sex marriages, or when they force the Catholic Charities in the commonwealth of Massachusetts to execute their religious beliefs and put orphans and children in same-sex households, that is a red line we cannot cross either. We cannot sacrifice our religious freedom!”


As day two of the conference progressed, speakers focused more on family values and the necessity to invest our priorities on being aware and getting involved in politics and electing conservative leaders into office. JimBob Duggar, whose family stars in the TLC show “19 Kids and Counting” spoke of his experiences serving two terms in the Arkansas state house of representatives and following God’s call for him to run for U.S. Senate.



JimBob Duggar and the Duggar Family, stars of the TLC Reality Show “19 Kids and Counting” Performed Vocal and String Selections

“Every person in this room can either run for political office or can easily support someone who runs for office . . . you need to get involved . . . when I ran for U.S. Senate, I was outspent $2 million to $100,000 and I only won about 22 percent of the vote. But out of that tough experience came a tremendous opportunity. A New York Times article reported that a man running for Arkansas Senate with thirteen children lost. But not long after, I was approached by a parenting magazine that wanted to do a story on our family, and Michelle agreed. After that article appeared, TLC approached us wanting to film a documentary on lives.”



Radio and TV personality Glenn Beck highlighted Saturday afternoon with a passionate speech, focusing on family values and individual responsibility. “It’s not hard to fix our world, because we are each broken.” Beck decried the lack of focus in Washington and forward thinking:


“The problem with the Republicans is there’s no vision . . . we are finally standing up and saying this is what we believe! But we might lose? Yes, but we might just win?”



Radio and TV Personality Glenn Beck gives the audience a history lesson on his famous chalkboard

Beck also spoke of his own family’s struggle to connect, and how he came to the decision that no one in his house would ever play another video game again. Instead, they would focus more on each other, their values, and faith.


“One day my son said, ‘Dad, let’s make a fort. I got excited, and said ‘yeah’ let’s go check out the barn and see what kind of materials we have. Then he said, ‘no dad, it’s so much better on the computer’.”


That’s when Beck decided to make a rule that no one in the house was to ever play another video game, and instead, get back to the basics. “The only time we could figure out that we would all be together was dinner, so that’s when we would bring our scriptures and read together.” He concluded his remarks with a strong plea to all those in attendance by telling a story of how he held onto the only compass George Washington ever used, during a very tough day in his life. He pleaded with the audience to follow Washington’s example: “Stay true to your principles and chart your course carefully!”


To watch any of the speeches from the 8th Annual Values Voters Summit, click here.


Christopher Doyle is the Co-Founder and President of Voice of the Voiceless, the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information, visit: 

Ohio State Senator Introduces Legislation to Prohibit SOCE Therapy for Minors

ohio-senateEarlier this week, Ohio became the sixth state to introduce legislation to ban therapy for minors who seek to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA). S.B. No. 188, sponsored by State Senator Charleta Tavares, would make it illegal for a licensed mental health practitioner in Ohio to help a client under 18 change sexual orientation, but would permit that counselor to affirm a client’s homosexual orientation and/or help a client “transition from one gender to another.”

In an interview with WTVN Columbus, Tavares commented:

“What we’re fearful is that this is going to be more destructive to the young person that somehow they need to change themselves . . . what we’re trying to do is to ensure that we’re not harming young people and making them feel like there’s something wrong with them, that we’re trying to cure a problem so to speak.”

This bill, which is modeled after similar legislation introduced in Washington, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, as well as the laws in California and New Jersey, fails to cite any peer-reviewed literature to back up its claims that SOCE for minors is “destructive” to a young person, while at the same time upholding the right of transgender minors to receive counseling on how to change their gender, despite the documented health risks that exist for this population.

In the same Columbus article, I am also quoted:

“There’s no studies and scientists can’t confirm that there’s a simple biological explanation for development of homosexual feelings . . . It’s a direct assault on the freedom of speech, on the freedom of religion, and a self-determination of a family, the parents, and a child.”

The article went onto to quote both of us, saying that:

. . . Tavares says the bill wouldn’t keep parents from taking their children out of state to get the treatment, and claims that in many cases the parents are forcing the child to undergo the therapy. Doyle says that’s a situation he wouldn’t get involved in. He thinks the ban will actually hurt children by forcing them to keep having to deal with unwanted homosexual feelings.

Once again, we see politicians making unsubstantiated claims that parents are forcing their children into therapy against their will, without any legitimate evidence to back this up. We can only hope that rational, levelheaded politicians in Ohio will ask the tough questions that New Jersey and California legislatures failed to do.

Christopher Doyle is the President and Co-Founder of Voice of the Voiceless, the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information, visit:

George Mason University Admits to Discrimination Towards Students with Unwanted SSA


Illustration by Katryna Henderson

Biased LGBTQ University Resource Center Director Suppressing Ex-Gay Resources


Earlier this week, George Mason University’s (GMU) official student newspaper, Fourth Estate, reported on the discrimination happening at their LGBTQ Resource Center. “During his experience at Mason’s LGBTQ resource center, Doyle said he witnessed discrimination in these centers that he thinks has been going on at college campuses across Virginia. Doyle also said he received medically inaccurate advice and biased counseling.”


In his defense, Ric Chollar, Director of GMU’s LGBTQ Resource Center said the following:


“We don’t give students advice, we give options, and I did that with him. As soon as someone asks me for information about these groups, I tell them we have the information and if they would like some, I’ll get that for them. He (Doyle) and I sat in the office and I turned and I pulled the file drawer out and I have them sitting in my file drawer.”


You can listen to the audio recordings of Chollar’s “options” by clicking here. What Chollar stressed was that ex-gay therapy was harmful, and a better choice would be to attend a gay-affirming place of worship such as the Metropolitan Community Church, accept one’s homosexual feelings, and read a book called “The Lord is my Shepherd and He Know’s I’m Gay.” Click here to listen to the audio recording.


In the interview with Fourth Estate, Chollar went onto say:


“What groups like his are asking, in fact demanding, is that written information like brochures be displayed publicly. I will admit that is not what we do. However he also says that he had to aggressively ask over and over again. That is just not my memory at all. He would have had a different reception with me if from the very beginning he said he didn’t want to [be gay]. He presented as neutral and unknowing and that he was experiencing these feelings and he didn’t know what to do about them.”



Director Ric Chollar in front of George Mason University LGBTQ Resource Center

Rose Pascarell, the vice president of University Life at GMU, said that “Chollar handled the situation in the gentlest way possible, performing his duties as a licensed clinical social worker by explaining his concerns with reparative therapy.” According to Pascarell, prominently displaying the ex-gay resources would interfere with the goal of providing students support and would be giving them information that mainstream associations have said can be harmful to an individual.


But providing students support is exactly what the university is failing to do by limiting the LGBTQ Resource Center to only one viewpoint on homosexuality. In fact, one of the brochures that Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) gave GMU to display was a set of brochures on tolerance for the ex-gay community, and none of the brochures were actually about therapy.


“While the LGBTQ Resource Center educates the entire university on gay issues with its activities, events, and messaging, they are, at the same time, discriminating and marginalizing students who experience unwanted same-sex attraction and may want to seek change,” commented Estella Salvatore, President of PFOX. “Therefore, the focus should be on diversity and tolerance for formal homosexuals (and students with unwanted SSA), because the center was founded for tolerance and diversity on sexual orientation.”


The larger issue here is the inherent bias against those whose faith and values guide them not to act on homosexual urges, but rather, encourage them to explore the origins of those feelings and seek change.


“At the very heart of this issue is discrimination and bias towards those who do not believe in the so-called mainstream view that people are born gay,” commented Doyle. “The GMU officials are justifying their discrimination based on the so-called prevailing attitude, yet they will fight against the prevailing attitude on other issues as long as it suits their political agenda.”


By claiming that “mainstream associations” are against therapies to change, GMU fails to acknowledge organizations like the American Association of Christian Counselors and the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, both of whom support the rights of counselors to assist a person who does not want to act on homosexual feelings and seek change. Collectively, these two organizations represent tens of thousands of licensed mental health professionals.


“Public funded universities are supposed to be a place where students are given equal access and neutral information so they can live their lives according to their own values. But at George Mason University, apparently the only ‘option’ a student with same-sex attractions has is to live a gay life. The actions of GMU are illegal and constitute viewpoint discrimination. If they refuse to make reforms, they are opening themselves up to a lawsuit.”


Christopher Doyle is the President and Co-Founder of Voice of the Voiceless, the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information, visit:

Honoring Our Legacy, Recognizing Our Achievements, and Looking Towards Our Future

First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner Reflects on Where We’ve Come, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going

DSC_4567On September 30, 2013 ex-gays and their allies from all over the country gathered in Washington, D.C. to honor our legacy, recognize our achievements, and look towards our future. Dr. Douglas McIntyre, Co-Founder of Homosexuals Anonymous, the oldest and longest-running organization supporting individuals who wish to leave homosexuality, spoke about how far we’ve come in 40 years. “Having lunch on Capitol Hill today with many individuals that have shared the same experiences as I, reminded me that we’ve come a long way. When I was boy, not only was I unable to tell anyone what I was going through (having unwanted homosexual feelings) but there was no place to go. No safe group or organization helping people like me. Today, I’m surrounded by friends . . . it’s a day to celebrate what God has done,” commented McIntyre.

DSC_4675 Greg Quinlan of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) gave one of the most heartening talks of the night, passionately speaking about why ex-gay awareness is so important. “I speak out about my experiences because of what I’ve seen. When I was in the gay lifestyle, I buried 100 of my gay friends who died of AIDS before I stopped counting. My friends would ask me: ‘Greg, would you please read this scripture at my funeral? Would you tell my son I love him and why daddy couldn’t be with him? Would you pray for me and ask God to forgive me?’ After suffering through so much heartbreak, pain, and death around me, I made a choice to come out of homosexuality and I haven’t looked back, and I will continue to speak out so that others can know that I have seen the change. I have to speak of these things. It is my obligation to do that!” Citing Acts, Quinlan proclaimed his duty to preach the good news, “I will continue to declare that ex-gay is ok, you can change!”


The night also featured two awards, the first given to Liberty Counsel’s, Mat Staver, who spoken about the current legal battles facing clients with unwanted same-sex attractions (and the counselors that help them) that he and Liberty Counsel have been waging in court. “It makes absolutely no sense that someone’s right of self-determination be infringed upon in the counseling office, especially when it threatens our fundamental liberties of speech and religion,” commented Staver. Watch the presentation of the First Ex-Gay Pride Freedom Award by clicking here.

Staver told the story of clients he represents in New Jersey and California – “fourteen, fifteen-year-old boys” – who have benefited from Christian counselors. Upon discovering their same-sex attraction, many “began to cut themselves, hate themselves, question who they are, and their relations with family and friends became fractured. After beginning counseling, however, their self-esteem improved, their same-sex attractions decreased, and their friendships improved.”

DSC_4701The second honor went to self-described former “satanic drag queen,” Trace McNutt, who was the recipient of the Voice of the Voiceless Courage Award for Former Homosexuals. “Unlike many of the people you have heard speak tonight, I still struggle with same-sex attraction. But one thing I know for sure – through the support of the church and Christian community, who have loved me unconditionally, my heart has been changed forever. I stand before you a sinner saved by grace, and I am humbled and honored to receive this award. This award is not for me, but for Jesus Christ who lives in me,” commented McNutt. “I stand before you as a former drug addict, cancer survivor, and to this day, doctors have told me that the HIV that I had been diagnosed with is undetectable. I know that through God, all things are possible.” You can watch Trace’s story and the presentation of the Courage Award by clicking here.

DSC_4599Voice of the Voiceless President, Christopher Doyle, expressed the need to create safe places for youth who are struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. “We have to find a way to minister to people of faith – young people especially – and allow them to struggle just as we allow other non-SSA young people to struggle as they mature. How many of you have children in their 20s and 30s who continue to struggle with problems in their lives that keep them from reaching their full potential? You love those kids and continue to love them even as they struggle . . . we, people of faith, need to celebrate those young people and mentor them as the mature. We need to provide welcoming places for them – not to endorse their behavior – but to see their potential and look beyond their behavior and into their hearts.” Doyle challenged the audience to invest into young people if they want to see a change in the culture war on homosexuality.

DSC_4736Before Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. delivered a passionate keynote address, Dennis Jernigan performed the 2013 Ex-Gay Anthem, “Rise Up.” View the music video by clicking here. Produced by Brant Fricker, “Rise Up” is a song, in Dennis’s words, “from God’s perspective toward us.” Based on scripture from Psalm 32:7 and Zephaniah 3:17.“It is true. I once identified as homosexual. Through an encounter with Jesus Christ, I was given a brand new identity. I am tired of feeling like I have to be quiet about it in today’s culture. My story is my story…and the more I share it, the more I find a great number of men and women who once thought they were homosexual as well. It is time to rise up and declare who and Whose we are,” commented Jernigan. Dennis is married to beautiful wife Melinda, and together they have nine children.

The evening concluded with a passionate keynote address from Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, shared his miraculous story of surviving esophageal cancer and rededicating himself to God. “There is no way I would have beaten the odds without our Heavenly Father’s favor and immeasurable grace that He bestowed upon me. Jackson inspired the audience with his story of healing and description of four different types of grace the Lord gives His people to overcome great obstacles in their lives. Jackson, who jokingly wondered if he would be met with a crowd of protestors as he has been in the past when speaking about God’s ideal for sexuality, encouraged the ex-gays to declare passionately, “I’m going to live as a transformed ex-gay and I don’t care who doesn’t like it!”

Voice of the Voiceless is the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information, visit:

Wayne “It’s ok to have sex with AIDS-infected partners” Besen Wins Hypocrisy Award

hypocrisy awardSooner or later, true hypocrisy shows its true hand. In his latest article, Truth Wins Out Condemns Providence College For Rescinding Speaking Invitation for Marriage Equality Proponent,” Wayne “It’s ok to have sex with AIDS-infected partners” Besen demands that Providence College reinstate gay marriage activist Dr. John Corvino to speak about the benefits of Gay Marriage at a student event this weekend at the college.


Read the article. The evidence of Besen’s true character and mission is revealed in the first few paragraphs, especially when compared with all his earlier articles and actions concerning sexual orientation change therapies.

In the article according to Besen:


The abrupt and impolite cancellation (Dr. Corvino’s speech) was announced by the college’s provost on Saturday, depriving the students of the very type of open debate that leading  universities are supposed to foster.


Besen speaks for open debate on these issues? Highly trained and licensed therapists who conduct successful reparative therapies have asked for years to participate in the open and fair debate of these issues to institutions of higher education, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and encouraged Besen himself to discuss or publish a good faith effort to present both sides of sexuality and change issues.

For years, in article after article, in speech after speech, Besen has incessantly attempted to insure the exact opposite of open and free speech. Peruse his website and you will see his only mission is to destroy any opinion, and any person, that is not congruent with his Gay ideology. He has also used defamatory, caustic and unprofessional language toward people for years who sincerely disagree with his philosophy.

Besen opposes hate, but uses hate speech, lies, misleading information, and information cover-ups in an effort to force all people to believe in Gay ideology. He never allows other viewpoints to be fully debated or expressed fairly on his own website, nor does he ever allow anyone, if he can help it, to express alternative views in any of his efforts with other institutions or the media. And now he asks for an open debate?

We have always stated publicly that we recognize the right of all individuals to express their views on sexuality. We have always welcomed the voice of Gay persons to speak about what they believe. However, we have never been given the same unbiased treatment by Besen or by the health organizations mentioned above. 

Indeed, Besen has shown his true hand, his true mindset…to force his agenda onto everyone no matter what biased and dishonorable methods will get the job done.

We are still interested in free speech for all. We sincerely ask Mr. Besen to open a forum or an event to give honest evaluation to both sides of these sexuality issues. We stand ready at any time to insure he or his colleagues have a voice through fair play.

The cards are indeed on the table. Let all hands be played.


David H. Pickup, M.A., LMFT, is the Vice-President of Voice of the Voiceless and holds a masters degree in psychology. He is licensed in California and Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist. He is pursuing his doctorate in psychology at California Southern University in Los Angeles.