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No, Talk Therapy does not lead to Suicide

A common trope heard is that LGBTQ rights are necessary to prevent suicide, or that laws called ‘conversion therapy bans’ must be passed to prevent talk therapy and pastoral care (‘conversion therapy’) which is supposedly leading the LGBTQ identified individual to suicide.

SAFE-T is the broad, professional term for any type of change therapy that is conducted by licensed, trained professional therapists.

SAFE-T means sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy.

In the current politicized climate concerning professional therapies that allow sexual attraction fluidity exploration (SAFE-T), meaningful dialogue between psychotherapists who support and oppose change oriented goals is quite rare. Also rare is a meaningful and fair dialog concerning homosexuality and change between professional media, social media, court justices, politicians, educators, and people of faith. Ethics and unbiased principles of communication are essential to the growing diversity of those in disagreement on these issues.

But is talk therapy or pastoral care really leading them to suicide? Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) is what talk therapy and pastoral care are categorized as when someone seeks help to align their orientation to their faith, or in an attempt to explore their heterosexual potential while being homosexually attracted.

Voice of the Voiceless provides a lot of research to support our position. Visit the report titled “The American Psychological Association and the Deceptive Science on Homosexuality: A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence” here or on our page Also be sure to visit for a lot of helpful information about the harms of conversion therapy, testimonies, and letters to government leaders.

The most quoted research comes from the LGBTQ Lobby ally Williams Institute of Berkley. A research arm of the LGBTQ lobby. Their research apparently supports the idea that most LGBTQ identified individuals that have done SOCE also experienced suicide thoughts. However, their report is intentionally misleading and promoting their suicide narrative by conflating the facts. They conflated anyone who had tried SOCE with anyone who ever had suicidal thoughts. I use the word conflate because in reality those people who had thoughts of suicide BEFORE SOCE were also included! Logically someone isn’t suicidal from an event they hadn’t yet experienced, yet that is how the data was grouped and reported on to create the suicide narrative.

When the data is analyzed honestly to account for WHEN suicidal thoughts and SOCE occurred, removing those who were suicidal BEFORE SOCE, unsurprisingly, the data showed that SOCE actually helped lower suicidal thoughts among the LGBTQ identified in the report.

The truth is out there. The LGBTQ lobby has built a house of cards around this ‘conversion therapy’ and suicide narrative. We just have to seek the truth and speak the truth.

Here is the full report:
“Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018”

YouTube video
Professor Paul Sullins takes an honest review of the LGBTQ data and concludes SOCE is not harmful.

Watch this before the LGBTQ lobby demands YouTube take it down.

Special thanks to IFTCC for hosting this conference and bringin Professor Paul Sullins to the forefront of this topic. Without your work the world wouldn’t know the truth!

Professor Paul Sullins has also provided his research which can be viewed here:

Sullins DP (2022) Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018. Front. Psychol. 13:823647.


For more information about “Conversion Therapy” check out their special reporting.

Daren was interviewed on 980 The Mission, Cross Walk – 4/25/2022 Episode 560

Equality Act Lawsuit


Dr. David Pickup, a psychotherapist, MA, LMFT and a former LGBTQ activist, Reverend Daren Mehl, the President of Voice Of The Voiceless and an ex-gay, Reverend Stephen Black, the executive director of First Stone Ministries and an ex-gay activist, Greg Quinlan, the executive director of the Center For Garden State Family and an ex-gay lobbyist, Pastor Penkoski, senior Pastor of Warriors for Christ, and Chris Sevier, founder of De Facto Attorneys General, filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against President Joe Biden, Sen. Jeff Merley (OR), Leader Chuck Schumer (NY), Chairman Richard Durbin (IL), and Rep. Cicilline (RI), and Speaker Pelosi for preliminary and permanent injunctive relief pursuant to 42 USC § 1983 for violating the Establishment Clause, Free Speech Clause, and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and for declaratory relief pursuant to 28 USC § 2201 for violating their Clause 3 Article VI oath of office in the United States Constitution by the act of creating, introducing, endorsing, promoting, favoring, respecting, and threatening to enact the Equality Act, which is unconstitutional on its face.

Rep. Cicilline is from Rhode Island and is the prime author of the bill.
The case has been assigned to Trump-appointed Judge McFadden, and the docket number is 1:22-cv-859. 

Summary of the argument: The fundamental argument in this action for permanent injunctive relief is that in view of the sworn testimonies of ex-gays, medical experts, licensed theologians, and persecuted Christians, sexual orientation and gender identity are orthodoxies, ideologies, and doctrines that amount to a series of unproven faith-based assumptions and naked assertions that are implicitly religious and inseparably linked to the religion of secular humanism. The US Supreme Court already established secular humanism is a religion for the purpose of the first amendment in cases like Torcaso v. Watkins; accordingly, for the defendants to introduce and attempt to enact and enforce the Equality Act – and all similar policies – violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because (1) such government action lacks a primary secular purpose, (2) constitutes an indefensible legal weapon against non-observers of the religion of secular humanism, and (3) serves to excessively entangle our government with the religion of secular humanism. We will come at the Biden Administration as hard as possible for good cause explained in the attached verified complaint.

Why did I choose to sue the President, Speaker of the House, and Senate Majority leader to stop the Equality Act? Because it is unconstitutional and will criminalize Christian ministry, an abridgement of my First Amendment rights. Because LGBTQ is a cult belief system, not an immutable human trait. Because the US Government must not entangle itself with those secular humanist beliefs and force them on every American. Because for decades the American people have been lied to about sexuality. Because the majority of LGBTQ ‘science’ is fake and biased, their ‘research’ is fake and biased. Because no one is born gay, and orientation is fluid and change is possible. Because the belief being ‘born gay is perfect’ and ‘you cannot change’ are false religious beliefs which I believe will lead someone to hell, eternal separation from their Creator, a loving God. Because the tyranny of the LGBTQ lobby is a bully system used to recruit allies to groom children into their religious system.

Why did I choose to act with this lawsuit? Because people are being robbed of their human dignity. Calling men women in the name of ‘transgender’ religious beliefs is robbing those men of their dignity. When someone is ‘identified’ as LGBTQ, they are being robbed of their humanity. They have much greater potential as they were created by their Creator with intention and purpose, of which is evident in Natural Law. But BECAUSE the government is forcing us to recognize people as LGBTQ, the government is forcing us to dehumanize an entire ‘community’ of people.

People are not LGBTQ by nature, but by belief. I once believed I was gay, and then Jesus set me free when He revealed the truth to me. My belief system now tells me that those who identify as ‘LGBTQ’ are bound to sin, to lies, to death, to dehumanizing identity and behaviors. My belief system tells me that to sodomize another man is sin, an abomination, because it devalues the humanity and humiliates that man. My belief system tells me that to cut off your penis and testicles and implant breasts so you can identify as a woman is very much dehumanizing that man. My belief system tells me that to let a woman cut off her breasts in the name of transgender rights is to hate that woman and the dignity she has as an image bearer of God.

My belief system says that sodomizing another man is not love, because love does no harm to it’s neighbor, love is not unbecoming. And that is what LGBTQ belief system is, it is unbecoming of their humanity, and to affirm it is to deny the greater humanity defined by our Creator. Our Creator made us male and female. Our Creator gave us bodies which bear the image of Himself. Our Creator gave us the gift of life, to be able to reproduce image bearers of God.

Yet the LGBTQ cult belief system says that there is no God, or rather you are your own God, and you can live as any ‘gender’ you can imagine, or assert yourself to be. The LGBTQ cult belief system is viciously set against the testimony of Jesus Christ delivering people out of their ‘community’. I use the word cult because they lie, bully, and manipulate people into their ‘community’ as well as work to destroy anyone who leaves or says you can leave their ‘community.’

I have a higher view of the person who identifies as ‘LGBTQ’ than they do themselves. And the US Constitution gives me the inalienable right to speak and testify of the truth. I believe they were created male or female, and for the purposes to glorify God, to be in relationship with our Creator through Jesus Christ, and even to reproduce image bearers of God on the Earth through natural means. And the Equality Act would prevent me from speaking of the truth, of my belief system, and would force me to participate in the lies and death that is the LGBTQ cult system.

Here is the lawsuit

Update: 4/1/2022 The federal judge has approved the lawsuit and so my statement is officially received and added to the lawsuit along with all the attachments. The statement is updated here and attachments added.

Here is my statement:

All attachments can be found in this folder:

What kind of stunt is it to sue before a bill becomes law?

This isn’t a stunt, this is a mechanism of law to prevent harm before it happens. In Minnesota, this occurred successfully when The State of Minnesota had potential legislation in the Minnesota Human Rights bill, which would have forced creative organizations such as Telescope Media Group to film sodomite unions and provide creative films of the event. This went against their religious convictions. The Eighth Circuit ruled against Minnesota, saying the law would violate their First Amendment rights.


Remember – the LGBTQ community is one built around a cult belief system, one based in licentiousness, and as our Founding Fathers knew, liberty dies in licentiousness. Where LGBTQ “rights” are sought it will consume our freedom.

Note that in 2005, PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays) sued Montgomery County Public Schools to prevent LGBTQ indoctrination, that is they used the establishment rule against the school district and they won. The precedent has been set.


Daren Mehl is President of Voice of the Voiceless. To support Voice of the Voiceless, please visit

Lazarus, Come Out!

Rev. Daren Mehl shares a message about loving people coming out of LGBTQ. Jesus calls them out of the tomb, and we get to participate and obey Jesus by removing the death cloths and washing the person and helping to disciple them in the body of believers. And yet, some will see what Jesus did, and what we are doing, and go to the Pharisees. But don’t mind them.

Daren Mehl is President of Voice of the Voiceless. To support Voice of the Voiceless please visit

Reclaim It Virtual Conference 2021 Part 3

Our mission is to equip the Church to discern the narratives undergirding the LGBTQ culture and how to best help individuals who want to leave that identity behind to grow in an identity in Christ. Video recorded by Voice of the Voiceless with special guests Pastor Daryl Whiten, Full Proof Ministries, Emcee Tamara Scott, Daren Mehl, President Voice of the Voiceless, and many others.

Visit for more information

Reclaim It Virtual Conference Part 2

Our mission is to equip the Church to discern the narratives undergirding the LGBTQ culture and how to best help individuals who want to leave that identity behind to grow in an identity in Christ.

Video recorded by Voice of the Voiceless with special guests Pastor Daryl Whiten, Full Proof Ministries, Emcee Tamara Scott, Daren Mehl, President Voice of the Voiceless, Luca Groppoli, Associate Director Agape First Ministries, Jon Uhler, LPC,, George Carneal, Author, Vicky Joy Anderson, Author, Laura Perry, Author, at on February 13, 2021.